Harte Hunde und die Meinungsfreiheit

Die ReputationDefender sind schon harte Hunde – zumindest legen das die grafische Gestaltung der Seite nahe. Das Angebot ist auch knallhart. Nachdem die Defender *schnüffelschnüffel* alle Informationen über ihr Miet-Herrchen im Netz gefunden haben, werden sie *grrrr* richtig sauer. Gegen Aufpreis natürlich.

Next we DESTROY. You can select the content from your report that you don’t like. This is where we go to work for you. Our trained and expert online reputation specialists use an array of techniques developed in-house to correct and/or completely remove the selected unwanted content from the web. This is an important and time-consuming task, but we take the job seriously so you can sleep better at night.

Ganz, wie man es von einem Wachhund *hechelhechel* erwartet. Wenn man in die FAQ schaut, hört sich das irgendwie anders an.

ReputationDefender is a strong supporter of the freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Our correction/removal („Destroy“) service was designed to help private citizens regain control over unintentionally posted or outdated personal information accidentally disclosed to the public Internet, and address potentially libelous, slanderous, defamatory or invasive information about them that serves no public benefit.

We have no interest in squelching newsworthy speech, and we do not target newsmedia articles for removal. Nor do we seek to get government records removed from the Internet. We believe that individuals have the right to express ideas freely, and we support the freedom of the press to inquire fully about issues of legitimate public interest. Given that, we reserve the right to refuse any requests that we believe conflict with these fundamental values. But we also believe that it is the right of individuals to know what others are saying about them, and for private individuals to protect themselves from unintentional, inappropriate, or illegal intrusions of their privacy.

Entweder beseitigen die tapferen Reputationdefender *wauwau* nur aus Versehen veröffentlichte Datenschnippsel … – oder die Meinungsfreiheit *kläffkläff* beschränkt sich auf „newsworthy“ Inhalte und „public benefit“. *WUFF* Sprich: auf Verlagshäuser mit Rechtsabteilungen und staatliche Stellen. Der Rest sollte besser die Klappe Schnauze halten.
